Archive for March, 2020


Covid-19 – UCharity on the frontline

March 23, 2020

UCharity is working in community to assist the elderly, the families and the vulnerable. Like many other services  working at breaking point, putting themselves at risk on the front line… […]

UCharity is working in community to assist the elderly, the families and the vulnerable. Like many other services  working at breaking point, putting themselves at risk on the front line… so much to do and not enough resources.

Our Focus

During this current health crisis our team are distributing essential packages and being a small charity trying to make each helping hand count. We relay with colleagues to target to help protect those most in need.

What can you do?

If you suspect yourself or anyone else in your household or maybe anyone in your community to have coronavirus please

Contact 999 in an emergency

Contact streetlink (for homeless)

Keep up to date via our social media platforms

We want to say a huge thank you to all those who have sent in donations and the well wishes that continues to flood in.. 

🌟For further advice on the Covid-19 please see the NHS website for more details

#helpingtobridgethegap #help #charity #give #love #NoFunding #everylittlehelps🙏🏽🙌🏾💯 #covid19 #covid-19